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Just for Fun

I've decided to go home now

I seem to have injured myself.

Am gooin wi mi sen
I'm going alone.

Am tellin yammam!
Your Mother shall hear of this incident!

Aya gorrah weya?
Is your wife accompanying you tonight?

Ay-up midduk
Hello and good day sir or madam.

E waint wok
He is reluctant to undertake any form of gainful employment

Ennyonya gorrennyonya?
Does anyone have a cigarette?

I don't believe you!

Next-door's cat is eyeing up my pigeons.

Gerronn wee-it
Please proceed with your activity!

Gerrup on kawsi or ahll bat yer tab!
Please step up onto the pavement or I will have to reprimand you by striking you on the side of your head

Please desist immediately from what you are doing

Can I have some?

Can I have a turn?

Grrummin thenn
It's your round

Ha ya harking?
Are you listening?

Iffiwacummin iddabinair banah
If he was planning to be present then he would have been here by now

I will smack you at the side of the head

Intitt koad?
It's cold today isn't it?

Ismissus isanos
His wife is a nurse

Its koad aat,
It is extremely cold outside.

Izzit brok
Is this thing broken?

Do you realise?

Letseysum snap
Shall we go for something to eat?

Mard arse!
Miserable person

Owdya orsuzz!
Please be patient!

Owya goinonn then serri?
Are you in good health my friend?

Shut up/close mouth

Shuttya gobb!
Please be quiet!

The item that you are looking for is not inside the metal container.

Instructions from bus conductor Hold on tight.

Towdya towdya enybody ot ya?
Told you to hold on tightly, has anyone sustained an injury?

Wairza booza?
Can you direct me to the local public house?

What is wrong?

Wott yonnwee?
What are you doing?

Do you want something?

You are dirty

Yo jammi sodd!
You lucky person

Yo-abitt leereh
You have a high opinion of yourself.

Yowl koppitt
You will get into trouble